Children at Barbour Nursery get moving to raise money for Air Ambulance

Mrs Helen Malcolm, Grace Williams (Area Fundraising Manager for Air Ambulance NI) and Principal Tracey Cassells with pupils from Barbour Nursery SchoolMrs Helen Malcolm, Grace Williams (Area Fundraising Manager for Air Ambulance NI) and Principal Tracey Cassells with pupils from Barbour Nursery School
Mrs Helen Malcolm, Grace Williams (Area Fundraising Manager for Air Ambulance NI) and Principal Tracey Cassells with pupils from Barbour Nursery School
Children at Barbour Nursery School recently raised £1000 for the Air Ambulance NI charity.

The children often see the red helicopter flying over their school playground and have been learning about the important job that the air ambulance does when people are very sick or injured.

The Principal, Mrs Tracey Cassells commented: “It was wonderful to see the children so enthusiastic about raising money for this very worthy cause. Who knows when any one of us will need to use this service.

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“It was a double bonus really, as the children got lots of exercise as they cycled around for the duration of the event. I want to place on record my thanks to the local community for their donations and support”.

The Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS) responds on average to two incidents daily, somewhere in Northern Ireland. Since the service first launched in July 2017, the HEMS has been tasked on over 2,916 occasions.

The charity Air Ambulance NI, in partnership with the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service, provides the HEMS for Northern Ireland. The HEMS team attend patients who are seriously ill or injured, bringing emergency pre hospital care direct to the casualty, with the aim of saving lives, brains and limbs.

Grace Williams, Area Fundraising Manager said: “The staff and pupils from Barbour Nursery School are a real inspiration, organising this unique fundraising event in support for their local Air Ambulance.

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“As a service we rely heavily on charitable donations to keep the medical team in the air, delivering critical care to patients who have suffered trauma throughout Northern Ireland - without continued support, the team simply couldn’t fly. Every single penny counts. With a daily fundraising need of £5,500, we are so grateful to the pupils, staff and local community for this wonderful support.”

Air Ambulance NI needs to raise £2million each year to maintain this service so public donations are crucial. If you would like to support this life-saving service, there are a number of exciting upcoming events you can participate in including a abseils, Belfast City ½ Marathon or you could organise your own event with the charity’s support. Find out more and sign up to a challenge that suits you by visiting alternatively you can contact the charity directly by emailing [email protected] or calling 028 9262 2677.

READ MORE: SERC cyclists get on their bikes to raise money for Air Ambulance NI