Rev Faulknerspeaker at CE Convention

Rev. Andrew Faulkner who will speak at the Irish CE Convention in Ballygawley.Rev. Andrew Faulkner who will speak at the Irish CE Convention in Ballygawley.
Rev. Andrew Faulkner who will speak at the Irish CE Convention in Ballygawley.
A Lisburn minister is to be guest speaker at the 104th Irish National Christian Endeavour Convention.

Rev. Andrew Faulkner will speak on the theme of ‘Jesus First’ at this year’s event, which will be held in Ballygawley Presbyterian Church next month.

Members of the Armagh & South Tyrone Christian Endeavour Union, whose turn it is to host the Convention, have been very busy for some time planning and organising the event which will be held on Friday and Saturday, September 21 and 22. As always, there will also be special events for Seniors/Comrades, Young Adults/Young People and Juniors as well as the usual business meetings. Everyone will be made most welcome at the evening rallies.

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Speaker Rev. Faulkner was born in the North-East of England but came to live and work in Northern Ireland as his wife Jessica is from Portadown.

He trained as a PE teacher and worked in Portadown College for a year before spending eight years teaching in Fort Hill College Lisburn.

On being accepted he spent three years in Union Theological College Belfast whilst having placements in Downshire Road Newry and Newmills near Lurgan, before becoming assistant minister in Hill Street Lurgan for four years.

From April 2012 Andrew has been minister of Sloan Street Presbyterian Church in Lisburn. He and Jessica have three children, David, David, Beth and Charis.

Andrew is really looking forward to being at the Christian Endeavour Convention this year and speaking from the Bible on the theme, Jesus First.

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