AN injury to a junior footballer at the weekend was so horrific that a spectator collapsed on the touchline and had to be taken to hospital by ambulance.

The incident occurred during a match between Ballycastle United and Desertmartin when the local club's right back, Mark Jamison, suffered a serious leg break in an accidental tackle.

Referee, Ian Getty, from Cloughmills, immediately took the decision to abandon the game which had been going for just under an hour as players and officials from both sides tried to comfort the injured party as well as attend to the spectator.

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Mr. Jamison, a solicitor, who is from a respected Ballycastle family, is now in the Royal Victoria Hospital in Belfast. Ironically, it is the second leg break he has suffered.

Some four years ago while playing in Coleraine he was badly injured and is said to have spent sometime in hospital after suffering complications.