Boris Johnson U-turns on decision not to self isolate after Health Secretary Sajid Javid tests positive for Covid

A new update has confirmed that Johnson will be self isolating (Photo: David Rose/Peter Summers/Getty Images)
Downing Street confirmed that the Prime Minister has been pinged by NHS Test and Trace - but will not be self isolating (Photo: David Rose/Peter Summers/Getty Images)
A new update has confirmed that Johnson will be self isolating (Photo: David Rose/Peter Summers/Getty Images)
Downing Street confirmed that the Prime Minister has been pinged by NHS Test and Trace - but will not be self isolating (Photo: David Rose/Peter Summers/Getty Images)
A new update has confirmed that Johnson will be self isolating (Photo: David Rose/Peter Summers/Getty Images) Downing Street confirmed that the Prime Minister has been pinged by NHS Test and Trace - but will not be self isolating (Photo: David Rose/Peter Summers/Getty Images)

Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Chancellor Rishi Sunak have both been contacted by NHS Test and Trace as a contact of someone who has tested positive for Covid-19.

Originally the two were not going to be self-isolating, according to a statement from Downing Street – however, this decision has been overturned following public backlash.

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Tested positive for Covid-19

The announcement follows the disclosure on Saturday that Health Secretary Sajid Javid had been confirmed as testing positive for the virus.