Here are 25 Harry Potter quiz questions and answers - can you get full marks?

The first Harry Potter book, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, was published back in 1997.

That is enough to make any Potter fan feel old, but in the many years since JK Rowling wrote some of the epic wizarding tale in The Elephant House Cafe in Edinburgh, it has only become more popular.

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Some of us grew up glued to the books and eagerly awaiting the cinema releases of the eight films, while new generations are only just discovering the Boy Who Lived.

Most people have probably watched the films multiple times (or even taken part in Harry Potter movie marathons), and we all know someone who thinks they’re a Potter expert.

So, it’s time to test your (or their) knowledge with our ultimate Harry Potter quiz.

There are five different rounds, from spells and potions to Hogwarts and creatures, and questions range from common knowledge to very niche. 

See how many you can get right.

The ultimate Harry Potter quiz questions

Round one: Harry Potter

  • What is Harry’s Quidditch position?
  • What animal is Harry’s Patronus?
  • Who is Harry’s godfather?
  • Where did Harry get his first wand?
  • What were Harry’s parents called?