Dromore Bowling Club President passes away

IT was with deep regret that Dromore Bowling Club learned of the death of their fellow bowler Tommy Hewitt.

Tommy had just been elected as President and he was so looking forward to his year in office after having been a club member for a several seasons. He made many friends in Dromore Club and visiting clubs with his good sense of humour, jokes and wise cracks.

Tommy will be sadly missed at the club and offer to his daughter Stephanie, son-in-law John, son Christopher, grandchildren and all the family circle their deepest sympathy,

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On Saturday September 11, President’s Day was held on the 25th anniversary of the club.

A competition was held with Margaret Adair winning the ladies prize and Joe Kirk taking the gents. A barbeque was help and all the members enjoyed this.

K Aiken, a founder member, gave a history of the club. He began by saying the late Jim Barr was the first President. Over the years the senior team reached the semi-final of N.I.B.A Cup and the Irish Senior Cup but never won the First Division of the NIBA league.

The Junior team won the NIBA Junior Cup, while the midweek team have won the Newry and Mourne League and Cup.

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The Vets have won cups in their competitions and the Ladies section has been very successful over the years and this year won the Grand Slam.

In other competitions James McKenny won the NIBA singles; R Wills, R Greer, F Cranney and G Clinghan won the NIBA Rinks; Noel Graham and Adam Barr, who are ex-members, won the NIBA Junior Singles while Adam also won the Irish and British Isles Junior Singles.

Kenny then proposed a toast to Dromore Bowling Club.

The club’s competition winners were presented with their prizes by Mrs N Burns, the President’s wife:

Presidents Cup: Billy Clinghan; Runner-up: Derek Shanks; Pairs Cup: J McCullough, F Cranney; runner-up: L Aiken, D Graham; Monday night rinks joint winners: Jean Malcomson, Derek Shanks; Other winners: M Dawson, C Ogle, D Graham, S Malcomson, L Aiken, G Dawson, R Greer, A McGarrity.

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President Derek Burns thanked everyone for coming along and asked I Houston to present a gift to Mrs Burns to mark the occasion.