Banbridge Ladies Thirds defeat Raphoe Seconds

Bann Thirds' Katie Carson in action.Bann Thirds' Katie Carson in action.
Bann Thirds' Katie Carson in action.
Bann started strong with hard work in midfield, working hard to keep pressure on the Raphoe team with great play by Naomi Haugh and Katie Carson.

While keeping the play in their attacking half, Bann had good pressure on and off the ball against the Raphoe defence and ultimately winning a short that did not reach the net despite a strike well executed by Emma Leeper.

Cheers from the Bann team broke out through the harsh snowy wind when Punam McGookin got the rebound off the experienced Raphoe keeper after their previous attempt was met with a save.

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On the start of the second half, a determined Raphoe had broke through in an attempt to even the score but was met with the solid defence with Kate Cunningham making game changing tackles and Captain Rachel Groves breaking up Raphoe play.

Jayne Scott started the second half with excellent play, pushing Bann higher up the pitch with the hard working forwards breaking into the oppositions defensive circle and winning another short to no avail.

Despite the weather, Banbridge did well against the Raphoe team who had previously beat them in a 2 nil loss and safety secured a victorious revenge.